Saturday, August 31, 2019

Organizational Behavior Case Study Using

Abstract We chose to look at a military case that was exposed by the media last year in which Brigadier General (BG) James BG Botchie of the United States Air Force was accused of conduct that was unbecoming of an officer. By examining the roots of classical organizational theory as well as the systems theory approach to management, we will be able to see what aspects and principles should be better utilized and enforced in order to prevent such incidences from reoccurring. ? Organizational Behavior Case Study UsingClassical Organization Theory and Systems Theory In order to see where Brigadier General James Botchie’s management went wrong, we will use the classical organization theory and systems theory to evaluate his action and decisions. To provide support to our conclusion, Tommy will share a personal encounter he had with BG Botchie. Quotes from various texts will also offer support to our position that BG Botchie’s approach to management was not only ineffective, but also inappropriate for an officer in the United States Air Force.Classical Organization Theory While some aspects of classical organizational theory can be considered out of date, it has been constantly progressing over the past century to better suit current workplace environments. From Taylor’s scientific management theory to Weber’s bureaucratic theory all the way to Mooney and Reiley’s administrative theory, classical organizational theory has developed some of the most fundamental principles to help better manage people in the workplace.In order to effectively understand how classical organization theory could help a situation, such as the one regarding Brigadier General James Botchie as reported by the Air Force Times, one must first look at the basic principles behind the theory. One of the four central points in Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory is to, â€Å"closely supervise workers, and use reward and punishment as motivators † (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). In BG Botchie’s situation, he provided little to no supervision to his subordinates and was described as â€Å"hands-off, uninformed and at times uncaring† (Fontaine 2). This lack of upervision caused the military equal opportunity office (MEO) to be an unorganized and nonproductive environment that allowed discrimination and intimidation to go undisciplined and undocumented in many cases. Another â€Å"Taylorism† stated that â€Å"the task of management is planning and control† (Walonick, 1993). From what the Air Force Times showed, BG Botchie did not follow either of these guidelines. Military organizations require all parties to abide by strict codes of conduct in order to function as a well-oiled machine. BG Botchie’s actions not only reflect poorly on his work ethics, but also his moral ethics.He did not act as is expected of a United States serviceman; â€Å"†¦Personnel are expected to conduct themsel ves in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and ethics. At a minimum, all personnel shall comply with directives issued by the Secretary of Defense†¦ regarding the Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics. † (Dalton, 1997). Much like the rank levels involved in military organizations, Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory â€Å"emphasized the need for a hierarchical structure of power† (Walonick, 1993).In order to continue maintaining control among soldiers or workers alike, there is a need for definite rules and a â€Å"clear line of authority and control† (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). BG Botchie allowed this line to become blurred when he developed friendships with his subordinates. Not only did this lead to unprofessional conduct in the form of creating an inner â€Å"boys only† clique that harassed female coworkers, it also raised an ethical dilemma in that BG Botchie engaged in business deals with subordin ates and possibly used government resources to further his profits (Fontaine 4).There is a reason for positions of authority and that is to maintain control and productivity in the office. BG Botchie instead used his authority to foster sexual harassment and gender discrimination, build unprofessional relationships and misappropriate government resources for his own benefit (Fontaine 1). Mooney and Reilly’s administrative theory proved to be the most rigid out of the classical organization theories. This theory put the emphasis on â€Å"establishing a universal set of management principles that could be applied to all organizations† (Walonick, 1993).It is now realized that this is not possible with the fast paced changing of times; however, this method could be used to help remedy the inconsistencies that occurred in BG Botchie’s wing. For example, if there was a uniform set of rules and procedures set in place and enforced regularly, people like BG Botchie woul d not have a chance to abuse their power. Throughout examining the classical organizational approach to resolving Brigadier General James Botchie’s erroneous behaviors, the key solution is enforcement of hierarchy.None of this would have occurred if BG Botchie’s superiors had paid closer attention to his actions. While people in positions of authority should not have to instill fear in order to get results, they should be treated with the respect they deserve. That respect facilitates efficiency and respect for fellow coworkers as well. By maintaining the proper order of ranks, work is accomplished as a result of a sense of pride in work and duty to one’s job. In addition to an increase in productivity, the level of discrimination and harassment would decline for fear of punishment.When the rules are enforced and there are positive and negative repercussions for behaviors, people are more inclined to follow the regulations set forth. Simply put, to avoid negativ e situations, such as BG Botchie’s, enforce the rules and regulations that are set forth. Systems Approach This situation could have also benefited from the systems approach to the Ohio Air National Guard Organization. The United States Air Force maintains a strict code of conduct as an entire organization and also employs separate, more detailed rules and regulations for those enlisted and those who are officers.The enlisted ranks are seen as the workers or followers to the officer ranks. The officer ranks are seen as the leaders of the organization and they are expected to set the tones for how those that follow them are to conduct themselves. Rules are established to help keep the distinction between the appointed leaders and those who are the followers and to prevent any bias from effecting promotions or allowing preferential treatment from the leaders of the organization. Brigadier General James Botchie was fortunate to experience both the leader and follower sides of th e Air Force.BG Botchie started out in the enlisted ranks before he was commissioned to the officer ranks. I had the opportunity to work for BG Botchie after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centers in 2001. He was the flight commander and highest ranking officer for the mission. As a unit, the 121st Air Refueling Wing (ARW) was assigned to support Operation Enduring Freedom at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. My job as an enlisted worker was for various electronic functions of our airplane.My ultimate goal was to make sure that the pilots could complete their mission, which required all of the aircraft to be operational. We accomplished this mission and pleased BG Botchie. He attempted to reward us (the enlisted workers) with alcoholic beverages in an enlisted only establishment. I tell you this story to give yet another example of the rules being established and BG Botchie acting as though he was above them and as if there would be no ramifications for breaking them. S ystems theory can be described as having all components of an organization interrelated.By changing one variable, many others may also be effected (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Modern day management has to understand that the decisions imposed on one part of an organization can have a great impact on other members of the organization, even if they are not directly related to the initial decision. BG Botchie’s decisions were not thoroughly thought out and he did not consider the impact that they would have across the organization. The decisions he made for his immediate group not only affected the morale, behavior, and work ethics, but it also reached throughout the entire Air National Guard.The 121st ARW is always partnered with other units from all across the United States. This behavior is observed by others who may have had a different managerial style and expectation. This is also evident in the following quotes: â€Å"The organizational systems theory also infuses a cultu re that is transformed to a learning environment. A creative learning environment will also help the organization and its members realize that the small decisions made today may affect a global impact tomorrow† (Smith & Taylor, 2000). The Central premise behind holding a vision is that somehow I can shape my future, systems’ thinking helps us see how our own actions have shaped our current reality, thereby giving us confidence that we can create a different reality in the future† (Smith & Taylor, 2000). BG Botchie did not infuse the culture with the set of values and morals that the USAF instilled in his appointment as commanding general. If Brigadier General James Botchie analyzed his decisions using the systems approach for his managerial and decision based processes, his career may have had a different outcome.Conclusion In conclusion, it is generally in everyone’s best interest to abide by the rules and regulations of an organization since they are set forth as a way to maintain order and protection for the employees. The classical organization theory and systems theory have clear cut principles that help to build a strong organization, when the policies are followed correctly. Having employees that respect the hierarchy of the organization is also essential to a successful workplace.Brigadier General James Botchie did not follow these guidelines and it cost him the respect of his peers and nearly cost him his job.? Bibliography Dalton, J. H. (1997). General Regulations: Administration of Discipline. U. S. Navy Regulations, 1990 Interim Change, 101-102. Fontaine, S. (2012, May 23). Report Details 1-star's Inappropriate Conduct. Retrieved from Air Force Time Mobile: http://www. airforcetimes. com/mobile/index. php? storyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. airforcetimes. com%2Fnews%2F2011%2F04%2Fair-force-ig-details-conduct-BG Botchie-041811w%2F Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational Dynamics and Human Behavior. The McGraw-Hill Compani es Inc. Smith, K. D. , & Taylor, W. G. (2000). The learning organisation ideal in Civil Service organisations: deriving a measure. The Learning Organization, 194-205. University, C. M. (2008). In Administration, Globalization and Multiculturalism (pp. 25, 30, 79, 360). McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Walonick, D. S. (1993). Organizational Theory and Behavior. Retrieved from http://statpac. org/walonick/organizational-theory. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

Evaluate the Organization’s Involvement and Responsibility

Motivation and Empowerment Evelyn Hamilton, Aaron Pobleh and Regina Taylor CJA/474: Managing Criminal Justice Personnel November 26, 2012 Instructor: Pam McIver The term motivation and empowerment is a universal concept that is hoped to work towards the good of any organization. Motivation and empowerment does not come from rewards to employees but instead, recognition, responsibility and advancement. Leaders who are effective in motivating and empowering their staff have acquired a great achievement, which can increase efficiency, and self development of skills and abilities.When employers are concerned about the welfare and needs of their staff, this provides trust among staff. The purpose of this paper is to compare motivation and empowerment, define the components of empowerment, analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization and analyze the role of trust in personnel issues. Compare motivation and empowerment Motivation and empowerment are two words that are very popular in every workplace. Generally when one mention motivation, everyone would think it is what employer gives their employees, unfortunately, motivation in the workplace goes way far beyond that.Motivating your employees gives them authority to do more work for you and do it better. According to businessdictionary. com, motivation is both internal and external factors which desire and energize people to become committed to a job, role, or subject, or to strive to reach a goal. While empowerment is management practices which allow the sharing of information, power, and rewards with employees so that they can take initiative, and make decision to solve problems, and improve themselves as well as enhance their performance (www. usinessdictionary. com). Everyone need to feel empowered regarding their work ethic on the job or being assertive in life challenges and changes, but without the key elements of self-motivation, assertiveness and the ability to ma ke good decision how would they be able to motivate others. Mangers of an organization should show through their behavior and actions how provide the necessary skills to be productive and efficient. This in turn will produce happier employees. Define the components of empowermentIn order to be an effective leader a person would need to be empowering by those below them and therefore allow them to take initiative on their own. A leader that has poor management skill fails to empower anyone underneath him. For example, an office manager as well as a beginner officer within the work place or in the field must feel good about performing on their own and not feeling they will be overly scrutinized regarding their errors. They must not fear the aftermaths or punishments for taking individual decision making.When this happens, employees began to shun management for fear always doing something wrong. Employers should provide positive communication to their staff (National Empowerment Center ). There was a research designed to examine the concept word of empowerment in this programs sponsored by multiple examiner of the criminal justice it was first anticipated to create a working definition. After research the â€Å"elements of empowerment were identified, including access to information, ability to make choices, assertiveness, and self-esteem. Empowerment has both an individual and a group dimension (Tom Roger, 2011).This research studied participants in self-help programs for people with no self-motivation and the need for encouragement. At the beginning of the study,† it was stated numerous of the individuals involved empower in their research. It’s obviously the important theory concerning the essential to defining meaning of empowerment as part of the development. Although it â€Å"recognized that empowerment had elements in common with such concepts as self-esteem and self-efficacy, these concepts did not fully capture what was considered a distinc tiveness about empowerment† (Tom Roger, 2011).In an earlier â€Å"debates empowerment was† considered â€Å"complex, multidimensional concept, and that it described a process rather than an event†. It was never â€Å"believe that an individual had to display every quality on the list in order to be considered† empowered (Tom Roger, 2011). Analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization Today the style and practices of police leadership is changing rapidly. The term shared leadership is one being used by many police chiefs all across the country.They believe that this approach to management by sharing power and influence to individuals within the organization, who are otherwise hierarchical unequal, will view their leadership as a leadership which looks at the broader aspect of giving authority to employees which will allow them to make decisions, solve problems, and be held accountable for their actions (Mussellwhi te, 2007). Whenever officers are empowered they become dedicated to their jobs. Because they are given the skills, resources, authority, opportunity to be motivated and committed to their jobs, roles, or duties.Something which is refers to as being dedicated. Employees empowerment in a police department which delegate assignments, allow officers to take responsibility of their jobs results. It also allows them to make decisions about it. When officers are delegated with responsibilities, it makes them think in decision making, take control, behave, and take actions responsively, because they know that they will be held accountable for their actions. Police departments that apply employee empowerment create an environment in which their officers are empowered, productive and are happy in their jobs.Such police departments do not limit their employees to information (Heathfield, 2012). Analyze the role of trust in personnel issues. The role of trust in personnel issues involves how em ployees relate and respond to their employer. For example, if an employer is more concerned about getting the job done employees will pick up on that and will respond to their employer in a negative way. But when employers’ show that they truly care about their employee’s well being they will respond in a positive way. It would be in the organizations best interest for employers to take time to get to know their employees.Employers should empower their staff by allowing them to make important decisions in reference to their day to day duties. This will cause employees to respect their employers which will also lead to trust. When employees trust and respect the organization they will do the best possible work they are capable of doing. This in turn will lead to accountability on the part of the employee (Mussellwhite, 2007). When an employer gains the trust of their staff, they will know how to motivate each individual person for the best outcome of the organization.Em ployees understand that no organization is a perfect organization. When employees know and feel important to the organization, respect and trust will deepen. Respect and trust will take an organization to higher creativity and increased efficiency (Forbes. com, 2009). Positive communication is the cornerstone to empowerment and trust within an organization. When employers take the time to consider their staff opinions and feedback on daily operations, this can cause higher productivity and increase efficiently. Employers should share information about the organization with their staff.This provides for a clear picture of how the organization is progressing or not progressing. This also produces trust among employees because employers trust their staff (Mussellwhite, 2007). Conclusion In conclusion, this paper compared motivation and empowerment, defined the components of empowerment, analyzed the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization and analy zed the role of trust in personnel issues. Motivation and empowerment is about providing production and management guidelines to employees and then allows them to operate in an independent manner.Empowerment and delegation within the criminal justice system involves sharing power and influence to individuals within the organization, who are otherwise hierarchical unequal. This leadership looks at the broader aspect of giving authority to employees which will allow them to make decisions, solve problems, and be held accountable for their actions. The components of empowerment are about communication, feedback and productivity. Employees should be trained properly so that trust is gained through empowerment.A motivated and empowered employee will respect and trust the organization which will lead to accountability and responsibility. Leaders can gain great achievement when they effectively motivate and empower their staff into self development of skills and abilities. References Chris Musselwhite, 2007. Inc. Motivation=Empowerment; retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. inc. com/resources/leadership/articles/20070801 Employees Empowerment: How to Empower employees. Retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. humanresources. about. com/od/employeeempowerment Empowerment in the Workplace ttp://ezinearticles. com/? Empowerment-in-the-Workplace&id=6541445 Make sure your employees trust you or else. Forbes. com 2009. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/2009/03/23/trust-respect-employees-leadership-managing-blanchard. html. National Empowerment Center Article www. power2u. org/articles/empowerment/workingdef. html Susan Heathfield. 2012. What is Empowerment; Retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. businessdictionary. com/definition/empowerment. html What is Motivation; Retrieved on November 22, 2012 from www. Businessdictionary. com/definition/motivation. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Success - Essay Example It is different and also encouraging. When people succeed in anything they wish for, they feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that is motivating for them to move further. Success can be defined as fulfillment and accomplishment and is supportive for motivating a person to set further paths of success for himself/herself. Success is based on actions that take a person towards his/her aspired ambitions. The quote by Ben Franklin â€Å"God helps those who help themselves† is very famous and also applicable in terms of success in life. Even God is not ready to assist such people who are not interested in supporting themselves by their hard work. We can never succeed until we try and act accordingly. Actions speak louder than words means that our actions are more meaningful in taking us to our aspirations. We can say that we want this thing from life or that thing but until we do not try and do not take some action towards our aspired mission, we cannot gain success. Actions overcome the difficulties that come in our way towards success (Hoagland-Smith 2007). Some people perceive that success is based on luck (Abhishek 2008). Luck cannot be considered as a factor crucial for our success in life. Hard work and struggle towards aspired aims is crucial and can convert our bad luck into a good one by gifting us with success. One step of accomplishment leads to another. John Watson (2004) informs that â€Å"success breeds success†. Success in itself is motivating. Whenever a person succeeds in his initial ambition, he plans for another and pursues towards its completion. Success can be seen as a connected chain of fulfillments and aspirations. People keep aspirations and when these aspirations are fulfilled, they move towards others. Success is regarded as a method by which, much developments can be there (Big Success 2009). Failure is a hindrance and deviates a person from his way to further achievement (Big Success 2009). Glenn Ebersole (2007) informs

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Japanese Zombie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Japanese Zombie - Essay Example Japanese students have been pleasure to work with. In the beginning days, he was an alien to them, now they love and respect him immensely. He entered the class and hours passed it is getting afternoon. John left for lunch and as he returned school it was time for class. Time always runs fast in class and as 4 pm arrived John left the school. He walked to the bus stop and as waiting for bus he thought I lovely life is. My bus is here... he whispered. John climbed the bus and sat near window. Oh why everybody hushing, is something unusual going on? He enquired to the man beside... What a tsunami. John could find a shiver run through his spine. A tsunami...Good Lord what I am hearing. Is everything alright? Hmm. The tsunami has hit the coast and the nuclear reactors have been damaged. Is a radiation leak underway? Oh God I hope everything will be alright. Now all people are panicking, I am getting out of the bus and getting back to home. John got down and caught the bus back home and he was all sweating and nervous. Now what would happen? I love this place, is this all going to end up in to a disaster zone. John stepped in to his house and switched on the television to watch the news. How no... This is a huge tsunami and the effect is going to be bad. According to (King) â€Å"A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the ocean floor. This sudden motion could be an earthquake, a powerful volcanic eruption, or an underwater landslide†. I had so many dreams of living here I love this beautiful city; I could never see it destroyed. Thank God I live little bit far away from the coast but I could still see the ocean if I walk a kilometer. Hmm. Let me have a look from terrace...John climbed to the terrace and all he could see is water logged beach with all trees and buildings collapsed. I wanted to call my friends but damn, the cell phones are dead. Hmm, it is getting dark and cold... as midnight approached John went to sleep. It is so windy; I can feel some noises around. John rose up and looked at the neighbor hood house and the lights are off and he could see loud noise and scream and as he watched suddenly he could see silence approaching. He slowly walked towards the house nearby... he saw the front door open. I know only a Japanese couple lives here... no one around... he stepped in. oh everything shattered and I could see drops of blood on the ground... oh some notes on the ground... what is in it? â€Å"We are the g host hunters, and we need to feel our enemies with our own fists like they do in those kung fu films’. (A zombie hunter manifest) .Is it a poem...but...let me read more†¦ I am not human, but I am neither dead...i am here for blood... John started shivering I can see another letter with same kind of poem... what is happening.Oh God I hear some foot steps...God why this man and women look so strange, their face all decayed and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mare Parker Follett Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mare Parker Follett - Research Paper Example She attended Braintree’s Thayer Academy in Massachusetts. It is in this academy that her later ideas were inspired by one of her teachers. In 1885, September, Follett enrolled for studies at Society to Encourage Studies at Home in Anna Ticknor (Soylent Communications Para 1). She also studied at Radcliffe College, although she was on and off the college and graduated later in 1898. She sought to pursue her doctorate degree in Harvard, but was denied on grounds that she was a woman. Follett began her work in Roxbury in 1900 as a volunteer social worker. She was later to hold a number of prestigious and highly coveted leadership positions, including: being the chair person of the Women's Municipal League Committee on Extended Use of School Buildings (1908), being the vice president of the National Community Center Association (1917). She also founded or contributed in opening a number of social and educational institutions , including the East Boston High School Social Center an d many other Boston social centers . Contribution to the Field of Management Mary Parker Follett pioneered a number of theories relating to organizational behavior, industrial management, organizational theory and conflict management which she communicated through her books, articles, speeches and essays.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strong Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strong Response - Essay Example e is pointing out a recent victim, The New York University of Art, which lost its rights for uploading any images of their artwork, the reason being the violation of rules and regulations of Facebook. The works included nude images, which is against Facebook policy. The Universitys authority classed this, an unfair action against art; nevertheless, they raised their voice through a blog, complaining about Facebooks rules and regulations. This article was published in The New York Times. The issue being addressed is the problem faced by an institution of art as their work is being deleted and accounts blocked by Facebook as it contains nudity. However, later, the site officials claimed that it was a mistake on their part and they had no intention, whatsoever, of hurting anyones feelings. Moreover, they encouraged people who had lost their work to post it again. Drawing nude live models is considered the most effective way to develop the basic draftsmanship skill of an artist. Hence, it is considered to be the most important part of an artist’s work. Using Facebook as a medium, artists share their work with art lovers all around the globe. Nevertheless, Facebook blocking their work became a deterrent for these artists. Artists have been concerned with the fact that the Facebook officials must have seen that the nude pictures were actual works of art, yet, they decided to block it. The author of this passage seems to blame Facebook for these actions but, in my opinion, if Facebook has some certain terms and conditions then they are free to apply it on all forms of work. Facebook does not allow photos which attack a person or group or images which depict drug use or contain violence or nudity. If Facebook requires its users to follow certain rules and regulations, then we are all required to follow them as responsible individuals. If they say that a photo should not ‘contain’ nudity, then nudity in any form should be banned. Some people are of the view that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

John Snow and Epidemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John Snow and Epidemology - Essay Example He attended day school because of his family background; his father could only afford that because he was an unskilled laborer. Snow was a bright student; his best subject was mathematics and he did well in that and on other subjects. Simmons (2002) reveals that Snow graduated from the University of London in 1843 and he also obtained a doctorate in medicine a year later. John Snow’s epidemiological studies assisted in finding the root of cholera in London in 1854. A number of diseases had affected the residents of England prior 19th century, some include plague in 1665. However, there was an epidemic of cholera in 1831 thought to have been brought by travellers and merchants from parts of Asia. Cholera was a serious threat to the population of England. Medical experts were confused, but John Snow came to their rescue. He revealed that Cholera was caused by a certain agent in London water. Previously before his revelation or theory, the other physicians attributed the spread of cholera to filthiness of London City (Simmons, 2002). The previous theories relating to the spread of cholera pointed out that it was an airborne disease. This was in mid-19th century whereby physicians thought that cholera concentrated at the low levels altitudes. Workers and merchants in slaughterhouses were causing the spread of cholera according to Miasmatists. The Miasmatists explained that the foul smell from the slaughterhouses was the causing the spread of cholera. John Snow refuted their claims saying that the workers who frequently works at the slaughterhouses inhales miasmus. They have however not been the targets of cholera. He meant that the inhalation of miasmus did not cause the spread of cholera. The spread of Cholera according to Snow was caused by ingestion of morbid matter related to cholera (Ramsay, 2006). Relationship between host, agent and environment increases the spread of the disease. The three aspects exist independently, but their integration will lead to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop - Research Paper Example Although the main character in the poem is a fish, the situations described therein are not only applicable to the fish itself but is reflective of the struggles of common human beings. Therefore, the discussions in this paper will be dealing with the literary devices used in the poem as well as their relations to the poet. Elizabeth Bishop clearly describes the fish in her poem and brings her readers to think about common things in life observed everyday as a way of bringing connections from the fish to the reader. She brings out common observances as a way of saying, â€Å"This is not simply a talk about a fish but this is also about us†. First and foremost, the author calls the attention of her readers to the â€Å"tremendous fish† that she caught by describing how the fish hung from her hook, looking â€Å"battered and venerable and homely†. In real life, there are so many people with such situations- people who have been through a lot of troubled times but b y overcoming, they have gained a respectable status. The word â€Å"homely† expresses the thought of the poet of this circumstance as a common predicament and not an extraordinary situation and therefore, makes a common ground for the fish and the reader. Early in life, Bishop experienced several troubles herself and was introduced to the words ‘struggles’, ‘trials’, ‘tests’, ‘grief’, ‘disappointments’ and many other difficulties even when she was still unable to understand words. While she was merely eight months old, Bishops’ father died from a disease he has been suffering for six years. This became the start of her troubled life because although her mother was a respectable woman, she was greatly distressed with the death of her husband which led her to get in and out of the mental hospital for the rest of her life (, Miller). As a result, Bishop had a short-lived relationship with her mother because she eventually died when the poet was but five years old. Nevertheless, she tells of memories about her mother such as the boat ride they had when she was around three years old wherein one of the live swans bit her mother’s finger when she tried to give it some peanuts. On another occasion, she picked up a â€Å"woman’s black cotton stocking† which represents an intimate clothing and she was reprimanded of her curiosity by her mother. As a result, she became indignant of her mother and did not have such a good relationship from then on (Miller). From the accounts above, it is clear that even at a young age, Bishop has been through tough times and she sees herself in the fish but as mentioned earlier, she also sees other people’s lives in the fish. She then describes the physical appearance of the fish, commenting on its skin. Bishop uses simile not only to give a vivid description but also to bring the reader from the setting wher e the speaker is fishing to the world beyond it where other people are living. Similes such as â€Å"his brown skin hung like strips†, â€Å"like ancient wallpaper† and â€Å"like full blown roses† give color to the images presented and make the fish an interesting character contrary to what really happens in daily life. Such commonality and vivid descriptions come together as attractions to the reader to consider what the poet is saying. Sure

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gibbs Reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gibbs Reflective - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that looking at the situation, the nurse thought it wise first to open a door. She assumed the driver might have forgotten to close their door and so begun with that door. The easiest way to get to the children was to open their doors next, and so she unlocked all doors and flung the back door open. The nurse was afraid of a misunderstanding between the parents or passers-by, she, however, could not limit her thought to the consequences and, therefore, swing both doors open. After the circulation of air was solved the next step was to look for the nearest authoritative agent. The nurse called a security guard, and it is at this point that she was able to seek help from a second party. They then both waited for the parent to return as they each took a child to their hands.Thid essay stresses that all caregivers are trained to handle all situations from a point of compassion and love. The nurse first took the situation from the children’s perspective. She thought that for an infant to try and understand, such heat and to look and find no help around was a painful situation. She, therefore, felt the need to address the situation in an immediate sense. There are quite a number of laws that govern how children are to be given care. It can   be mistaken as a kidnapper in such a situation. It was, therefore, her first instinct to relieve the children of the immediate threat and then the nurse would look seek help from a person in authority.

Greenhouse effect and global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Greenhouse effect and global warming - Essay Example There has been a considerable increase in the average temperature of earth in the past century. This rise in temperature is attributed to the effects of global warming brought about by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This phenomenon is called Global Warming. (In the news, Global global warming has happened in the past few years and is evident from the rise in mean temperature of the earth's atmosphere. The main causes for the global warming are attributed to release of green house gases by human activities. The main gases contributing to green house effect are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide. The largest producers of these gases are the thermal power plants, which burn the fossil fuels and produce these gases in large quantities. The second biggest sources of these green house gases are the road vehicles and industries. The global warming has led to increase in mean earth surface temperature and thus melting of polar ice . There are frequent melt down of glaciers that result in floods and other natural calamities. The melting of ice at the poles had led the mean sea level. And further increase in temperature may further melt the ice and lead to further increase in mean sea level, which will engulf low lying countries. (Global Warming facts, Global HOT (or warm) TOPIC as Always! Well, Global warming has always been in news for some time around due to several factors (including comical) and was even referred in the Daryl Cargle cartoon Global chaos-Halloween 2008 as one of the demons in the Halloween night who scare today's population. On the contrary this principle has been exploited so skillfully by ecological scare-mongers that it is now regarded as politically incorrect, even unscientific, to denounce global warming hysteria as unproven speculation. In his latest exciting and provocative techno-thriller State of Fear, Michael Crichton exposes a scintillating revelation, regarding the way ecological groups have twisted data and facts to create mass anxiety. He points out that we know astonishingly little about the environment. All sides make exaggerated claims. "We know that atmospheric carbon is increasing. We are also in the midst of a natural warming trend that started in 1850 at the end of what is called the Little Ice Age. It is scientifically impossi ble to prove whether the subsequent warming is natural or man-made." Greens say, rightly, that the best scientific assessment today is that global warming is occurring. Yet never in history have scientists accurately predicted what will happen 100 years later. A century ago no scientists predicted the internet, microwave ovens, TV, nuclear explosions or antibiotics. It is impossible, even stupid, to predict the distant future. That scientific truth is rarely mentioned. Why Because the global warming movement has now become a multi-billion dollar business with thousands of jobs and millions in funding for NGOs and think-tanks, top jobs and prizes for scientists, and huge media coverage for predictions of disaster. Something worth a laugh! The "Discovery" channel recently produced a documentary on Greenland's alleged "melting glaciers." Oh boy! Here we go again with Global Warming. It's

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Holden Caulfield Is an Island Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield Is an Island Essay John Donne’s quote, ‘No man is an island’ connects quite directly to Holden Caulfield in ‘The Catcher in the Rye. ’ Holden’s character is very relative to themes such as isolation, loneliness and non-conformity. Holden has a very distinct character; he has many features, which would describe him as quite a lonely, cynical young man. It is evident that a past of his has had such an effect on him that the adolescence he has become quite a rocky journey for him; the death of his brother Allie, and the suicide of one of his schoolmates included. How is Holden Caulfield an island? Well, the quote itself – ‘No man is an island’ – can be interpreted that no man will thrive in isolation, such as an island. Holden has isolated himself from the conforming ways of society. This explains why he finds it so hard to be close to people, and why people find it so hard to get close to him; because he is so different. Holden’s character can be described as one that is flying off the rails. Some events throughout the novel regarding alcohol and drugs, relationships and Holden’s whereabouts show that he is simply trying to be something he isn’t. Holden Caulfield is an island, throughout the novel, a word to describe him best would be ‘alone. ’ Those who attempt to help him, guide him and be there for him, such as Spencer and Mr. Antolini, generally fail as Holden makes a quick escape from their guiding hands. In some ways, Holden can be seen as a hero. It is much harder to go against the grain alone, than to follow along in the footsteps of others. Holden can be understood as a leader, rather than a follower. Although his purpose is not quite evident, his journey is still worth so much. Holden’s personality includes features, which define him as a very judgmental person. He often uses the term ‘phoney’ to describe people who aren’t true to themselves and who according to him, squeezing into a certain cut out. Holden is very set in his ways, and will generally not take on the opinion of anyone else, and will stick to his own very closely. An example of Holden preferring to be alone is when he informs his sister that he will be leaving home. He organizes a meeting with her before he leaves. She arrives with her belongings and asks to go with him. It is not that Holden loses his temper, and refuses to take her along. After Holden leaves Pencey Prep at the beginning of the novel, he makes the decision to find his way around Manhattan alone, with out telling his parents; for a few days before he is due back home. To most sixteen year old teenagers, to make this decision would be a big move, but to Holden, a stunt like this doesn’t concern him. This just shows how far he goes to prove himself to be an individual, who can take care of himself, Holden feels he doesn’t need anyone but himself, as he is left alone by the end of the story. Throughout the novel, is it clear that the story is about Holden’s journey, and Holden Caulfield being an island. The events and occurrences that happen to Holden along the way prove this statement to be true. Holden has a very strong character, that of which he remains tough; he does his own thing, in his own way; without the need for approval from anyone. Holden Caulfield has isolated himself from the conforming ways of society. Therefore, Holden Caulfield is an Island.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bull Riding injury Risks

Bull Riding injury Risks Toughest Sport on Dirt Bull riding is an extreme sport with serious life threatening risks but have little restriction in the safety equipment that is needed to protect these athletes. Hockey, football, and even baseball all have been mandated to wear safety helmet to protect them from injury. For newer extreme sports, like snowboarding and skateboarding, the use of a helmet is rarely debated anymore. Every time out of the chute, bull riders face danger as real as the horns, hoofs and hard heads of bulls that can weigh a ton or more.(usatoday) Professional bull riders should meet the same safety gear requirements as any other contact sport. Trying to hold on to the rope and not be tossed like a rag doll on a back of a bull for eight seconds is more dangerous than playing hockey or football, in which these sports require helmets. When it comes to helmets, this little piece of foam and plastic can save a bull riders life. Just training for this sport can be disastrous The nature of this sport is brutal and is not biased. Any rider can be hurt. Although helmets are fairly new and maybe uncomfortable head and spinal injuries can be prevented with their use. No athlete in any sport can stand repeated concussions. In bull riding there are three major times when head injuries can occur. A bull rider can be jerked tossed forward and slam his head on a bulls horns. If the rider reaches eight second dismounting can be hazardous. They could get their hand tied up in the rope that is around the bull and be stomped while trying to get the rider loose. A rider can be violently thrown in the air and dropped to the hard dirt. It is unpredictable how their head is going to land and absorb the shock of the impact.   It is common sense that we use our brain for thinking and day to day body functions, without it we would just be in a vegetative state Since we do all our thinking with our brains and our brains are housed in our heads, we should do everything we can to protect this valuable asset. Wearing a helmet should become mandatory soon. It only makes sense to protect something as delicate and vulnerable as ones head. Rodeo, a sport in which the cowboy hat is as much an icon as a bucking bronco, has been reluctant to require its riders to wear helmets.(Brown) Lee Akin experienced the consequences fist hand of not wearing a helmet. When a bull weighing nearly a ton stepped on Lee Akins head one year ago at an Alabama rodeo, doctors didnt think the four-time PBR finalist would live. (Godfrey)  Another professional bull rider, Jerome Davis, met his fate in the fall of 1997. He crashed into the bull. Davis was jerked back and hit his head against the animal. He  was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground head first. The impact caused a  fracture/dislocation of the seventh vertebrae at the base of his neck. The sixth vertebrae  exploded and shattered. He was paralyzed from the neck down.( Hollen) When it comes to injuries A study of nearly 2,000 professional rodeo events between 1981 and 2005 found that half  of all injuries occurred during bull riding. Knee and shoulder injuries are most common,  according to Downey, but most alarming are the head injuries. Concussions account for  nearly 9 percent of all bull riding injuries, he notes.( Rueters) Bull riders cannot miss an event even if their injuries are minor but need time to heal. When a bull rider gets injured and cannot compete, he falls down in his rankings, risking his title and income. So knowing that, they continue to compete with concussions and other broken or dislocated body parts. As for the cowboys who do wear a helmet longevity seems to be a common theme ( Geupel) We know the cowboy hat holds great traditions of bull riders. No doubt this symbol is very meaningful to all those who live this life. Before the event ride, after the ride and at all other times, is when the cowboy hat can be worn. Lets not lose our heads and start our children on the right foot with using a helmet from day one.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Forgery And Plagiarism | Analysis

Forgery And Plagiarism | Analysis To falsify something for the purpose of deceiving someone is known as forgery which is a crime. Forgery can be in the form of counterfeiting or art forgery but every kind of forgery is considered a crime. Forgery in the case of counterfeiting is severely punished. Crime has been there since the world came into being but it started to flourish in the twentieth century when several prospects for forged activities arose. Greeks and Romans signed their art with other peoples names and hoped that a big name would be capitalized. Similarly, coins and paper money have been faked by counterfeiters since they were introduced in the world. Some acts of ancient forgery were so impressive that they have been placed in museums for display and in some instances, pieces of art havent been exposed as forged work for centuries after the museums and galleries got hold of them, very much to the shame of the staff. (Smith, 2010) Definition of Forgery To illegally modify or reproduce a document, signature, an instrument, legal tender or any other means of storing information is known as forgery. Any item that is copied is also considered forged. (forgery Definition) When something is forged, a piece of art for the purpose of mimicking the style of a popular artist is made by a person and signed with the name of the artist. Usually, the work of dead artists is forged because their work cannot be testified. A few art forgers are very sharp. They utilize several techniques so that it becomes hard to detect a fake. Similarly, several techniques are used by art historians for examining art in the hopes of detecting forged works from real works of art. To forge documents is a profitable endeavor in several parts of the world. Identification, certificates of title to property and other such documents can be generated by forgers for cheating. In a few cases, documents are forged for kind purposes such as to enter an establishment with age restrictions and in many cases forgery is done for more sinister purposes such as to detect theft. Several precautions are taken when official documents are made like the use of special inks and papers so that forgery is made difficult. Forgery is a growing problem in the financial world. Currencies are actually made by forgers which is known as counterfeiting but fake checks and other important financial documents are also signed which cause a lot of problems even if the crime is detected. To examine suspicious documents and other material that might have been forged is called questionable document examination. Individuals, who choose to study forgery, may select a specific kind of forgery to speci alize. Those who specialize in forgery may analyze things such as medieval paintings, title deeds, currency with the help of several instruments and techniques to detect forgeries. (Smith, 2010) Types of Forgery Forgery is of three main types and all the types of forgery are common these days because of the advanced technology. The three types of forgery are: Altered documents. Signature forgery. False documents. Altered Documents Forgers can change documents for their benefit by altering the information within a particular document. Household bleach, paint thinners or special ink rubbers to a check can be applied to make changes to documents. Forgers can attempt to alter the amount or change the payee on a check easily. Most of the times, these alterations are not detected. Some forgers alter documents by using cut and paste technique. Others alter documents with the help of technology. Nowadays, documents can be easily scanned into a computer and the details along with the image can be altered within a few minutes. With the help of color inkjet printers, new documents can be created by forgers that look just like or even better than the original documents. A student in the United States got admission to New York University (NYU) with the help of a forged college record. The forged college record was obtained by taking the college record of another student going to another college, and then the students name, grades and other details were changed and blank forms were obtained and printed from a local print shop. Fake classes and grades were filled in by the student which he sent to New York University with the admissions application. Signature Forgery Signature forgery is thought to be the easiest type of forgery. The forger obtains a document from another individual and that individuals name is signed on it. It is difficult to find out the forger even if the forgery is uncovered. False Documents Forgers easily create false documents because computers, printers and scanners are easily available all over the world. To create false documents, a check or a business card can be scanned not considering what the business card or check looks like. Forgers can steal large sums of money by cashing forged checks. Just like signature forgery, by the time, forgery is uncovered it becomes impossible to track down the forger. (Forgery ICU 97-02) Forged Writing To make or alter a written instrument for fraudulent activities or to deceive someone such as to sign another individuals name to a check is known as forged writing. Writing payees endorsement or signing a check without the permission of the payee or the related authority. The true owner of a check is the payee to whom the check should be paid. Forgery at common law is the fraudulent making and alteration of a writing to the prejudice of another mans right. (Forgery Defined Explained) It was defined by a modern writer as a false making; a making malo animo, of any written instrument, for the purpose of fraud and deceit. (Forgery Defined Explained) Forgery is a crime which is subjected to punishment by the state and national governing bodies. To make a whole written document in the name of another individual for the purpose of fraud by altering or erasing any material part of the document which gives a new meaning to it, is considered forgery though the document maybe used by someone who is not aware of the forgery. To sign a false document or any other instrument with a true signature for which it was not intended or vice versa is also considered forgery. For example, a person might be asked to draw a will for an ill person in a specific way but what he might do is that he inserts legacies of his own head and then procures the signature of that ill person who asked him to draw the will without letting him know that the legacies have been deceitfully inserted. Sometimes a person may copy a receipt, add words in the original and then offer it as a proof on the basis that the original receipt was lost, that person too may be punished forgery. At times the name and character of another living person is assumed by a party in the writing. But to adopt a false description and to add, when a false name is not written or assumed and no individual answers the description, then it wont be prosecuted as forgery. To make a document in a pretended name or the name of someone who does not exist is a kind of f orgery which is just like creating a document in the name of a living individual and however a document may be made by someone in his own name, if he represents it as the document of another individual of the same name when actually that person does not exist, then it will be considered forgery in the name of the person who does not exist but the accuracy of this decision is doubted. Generally, a person cannot be guilty of forgery on doubt, however in writing a will, a legacy is deceitfully omitted which he was told to insert and by omitting that legacy, a material alteration would be caused, or in other cases, a devise of an estate for life to one is omitted, as a result of which, devise of the same property to another to pass a present estate which would have passed remains only, then it will be considered a forgery. It may be seen that the crime of forgery may be complete without publishing a forged document. For a document to be forged the purpose of making the document must be to defraud another person but it is not necessary that anyone of the persons is hurt. It is enough that the forged document is proven harmful. Laws have been passed in most of the states which make some acts to be considered forgery and Congress has also enacted some laws on forgery. (Forgery Defined Explained) Signs for Forged Checks There are several signs which may detect a forged check. However any one sign does not necessarily mean that the check is forged. The more the number of signs, higher are the chances of forgery. The signs are: Perforations maybe lacked on the check. There is a missing digit from the check number or it does not change. Personal checks having a low check number such as from 101 to 400 and from 1001 to 1500 on business checks. Around ninety percent of forgeries are done on accounts that are less than a year old. The font that has been used to print the customers name seems obviously different from the font used to print the address. Additions have been made to the check such as the phone numbers are written by hand. The address of the customer is not present on the check. The address of the bank is not present on the check. There are marks on the check because of the changes. The MICR coding on the bottom of the check is shiny. Real magnetic ink appears to be dull. The check number and the MICR coding do not match. There are missing MICR digits. The district of the bank and the routing symbol in the upper right-hand corner of the check and MICR coding do not match. The payees name seems to have been printed by a typewriter. Where as payroll, dividend checks and expenses are printed with the help of computers. The word VOID seems to appear on the check. There is no authorized signature. (Check Fraud Prevention: What is Check Fraud-Types of Check Fraud) Famous Forgers Frank Abagnale Frank Abagnale is considered one of the biggest forgers of the world. He cashed around $2.5 million through false checks between 1964 and 1969, assumed identities of eight different people including a lawyer, a pediatrician and even a pilot for Pan Am. A movie, Catch me if you can was made on his life in which Leonardo DiCaprio played his role in 2002. Anatasios Arnaouti Anatasios Arnaouti was a forger who was caught and imprisoned in 2005. He led one of the major of United Kingdoms counterfeiting operations. He produced fake currency in his factory and around  £276,000 was created in one day. It has been estimated that he created around  £10 in fake currency. Abel Buell Abel Buell was a forger who was born in Connecticut in 1742. He attempted to convert  £5 notes into higher denominations. He was caught and punished by printing F on his head which branded him as a forger. Victor Lustig Victor Lustig is known for selling the Eiffel Tower twice by fraud though he did not own it. He was arrested when he was opening a locker with a key in his hand which had $51,000 in fake currency. William Chaloner He was a famous British forger who was known for counterfeiting. He was detected by Royal Mint and Sir Isaac Newton in 1699. He was caught and punished by hanging. Stephen Jory Stephen Jory led the so-called Lavender Hill Mob. He created fake  £20 notes. He was arrested and admitted in his trial that he had created  £50 million of fake  £20 notes but the figure is believed to be much higher. Catherine Murphy Catherine Murphy clipped off small pieces from gold coins to make new ones. She was executed in 1789. (Famous Forgers, 2009) Analysis of major forgery Forging documents by corrupting the records keeping systems is a severe crime against society. Forgers like their work accepted as being genuine and get amused while embarrassing the experts. They like to change history the way they want to see it. People practice forgery for its lucrative benefits and pleasure. Forgery robs society and contaminates the very essence of humanity. Letter Forgery The Salamander Letter Plain one and half page handwritten letter to W.W. Phelps of Canandaigua, New York from Martin Harris, dated 23 October, 1830, depicted an uncanny event that Harris had observed three years back. In the fall of the year 1827 I hear Joseph Smith found a gold bible I take Joseph aside he says it is true I found it 4 years ago with my stone but only just got it because of the enchantment of the old spirit come to me 3 times in the same dream says dig up the gold but when I take it up the next morning the spirit transfigured himself from a white salamander in the bottom of the hole struck me three times held the treasure would not let me have it because I lay it down to cover over the hole when the spirit says do not lay it down. Harriss narration of Prophet Joseph Smiths discovery of golden plates, the plates that were translated to be included in the Book of Mormon that is the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, gravely denied Smiths own recollection of the event. It called into question the divine character of the finding. The salamander was of no divine importance or an angel sent by God, it was a common sign that originated from fold magic and medicine. The letter recommended that Prophet Smith was hallucinating while mistaking it with divine communication that could have emerged from folk medicine experiments. The letter damaged the authenticity and divinity of the 150 years old church and no one cared where could have been all these 153 years. It was found by a Mormon dealer in an unstamped envelope, a philately specialty that concerted on postal blotting prior to stamps in late 1840s who paid no attention to the letters origin. The FBI and a prominent manuscript dealer subst antiated that the letter had the genuine look and feel. When the Salamander letter was compared with other documents of the period, it was known that it was written by similar iron gall ink used during that period and had the same chemical composition. The report concluded, there is no evidence to suggest that these documents were prepared at a time other than their reported dates. In 1983, the letter appeared to be indisputable and the leaders of Mormon Church got worried. Subsequently further events revealed that a disenchanted Mormon, Mark Hofmann had forged the letter and used his skills to dishonor the church. He was trying to change the churchs history to destabilize the foundations of the church. He testified during his murder trial, I believed that the documents that I created could have been a part of Mormon history. In effect, I guess, the questions I asked myself in deciding on a forgery[,] one of the questions was, what could have been? I had a concept of church history and I followed that concept. Hoffmans Technique of forgery Hoffman work of forging nineteenth century documents required mastery uncovered broad range of knowledge and abilities like: Artistic and manual dexterity to fabricate smooth and flawless writing according to persons specific writing style. Composition and chemistry of ink that could test positive for the period in question Having contemporary paper sources and postal blots Undertaking historical research to be in command of commonly known facts, day of delivery suitable and mail route for the fabricated letter to gain acceptance as being genuine and Fictional content imagination that is enough to being closer to real, and will be taken for authentic. Hoffman used two conventions, first he made up the documents discovery to someone else such that its real value is recognized. Second he made the document suggest historical connections of individuals that sufferers would eagerly see and unsuspectingly accept (Gracy II). Detection of forgery Detecting forgery of unique objects can be done through the objects evidence of time and place in which it was finished (Forgery, Britannica). Often a forger unconsciously creates style confusion or ingeniously accents elements that spark contemporary bias. For example the work passed as Lucas Cranachs by the bright German forger F. W. Rohrich, by imbuing paintings with a feel of Biedermeier visual, that was common in his own times, that later deceived their falsity. Regardless of modern technological breakthroughs, a great deal of forgery remains impermeable to detection by other than experimental means (forgery, Encyclopedia topics). Success to detect a forgery can only be achieved only if the investigator is precipitous about all related technical, mechanical, physical and historical matter that may be essential in recognizing irregularities in any document. Serendipity is one of the important powers and hence is ranked high for all investigators. Examiner needs to ask the right question at the right instant to spot forgeries and note dissonances. There are various features of a forgery and can be classified into four groups, that is content of forgery, provenance, technology and technique of the forger. Content of the forgery The examiners inexperience surfaces when the document is question is being assessed to validate the content. Examiners do not know all the necessary facts, while skilled forgers have carefully analyzed every aspect. The older the document is, the more the examiner needs to be well-versant with the rule of phraseology and word usage of the period. Configuring dates and the styles of abbreviation have evolved greatly over the last three centuries. Furthermore the shapes of certain letters have also changed over time in their cursive. Provenance Common forgery cases get successful because often the victim believes in the validity of the document. Forgers give victims enough knowledge to lay their provenance basis, and let them build and substantiate the forgery through facts and chance discovery. An old aphorism states that if a proposal appears too good to be true, it is probably false, rightly applies to forged documents. This aphorism can be rephrased for forgery as, If it is remarkable that a document has surfaced all of a sudden, likely there is more to the story of the documents existence than the provenance offered. Technique of the forger Forgers have unique creative abilities, in intellectual conception and styling provenance and content, and in physical area of making of the object to make it appear to something it is not. Forgers do fake repairs to suggest substantial age and attention to the object for the intention of improving provenance. The examiner should critically evaluate the material used in the repair and the condition in which it was done. The examiner should be well versed with the aging techniques that may include staining paper with tea or coffee, or document misuse with tears or holes for book worms. Finally the examiner should doubtful about standard dealers markings. Technology Examiners need to evaluate the appearance of the forgery through use of technology. They should look for the dates when certain technology became common and the technical aspects of their likelihood of applicability. Examiner should check paper under lights for watermarks and for woven or chained patterns of the paper texture. The interaction of paper and ink is vital to exposing any forgery (Gracy II). Detecting forgery in Writing While examining writing for evidence of forgery requires careful comparison between the original writers and other. The author of the writing known is commonly called the original and is referred to by his name. The writing with which it is compared, or is the subject of investigation is a called the suspect. The suspected writings should be separately numbered until the original thoroughly mastered. It is important to put away the suspected writing to avoid confusion having multiple types of writing in front of the eye and mind so as to avoid prejudice to any one type. Any influence to first evaluate the suspect should be resolutely defied. Paper and envelope should be examined carefully for its quality, watermark, size or any inherent feature for clues. Then the overall general style of the document should be studied for top and side margins. Identify words in the writing for usual use of hyphen to divide words. Next measure the distance between the lines and make a note of the distance. Then make a note of the average distance between the words, and see if they appear to be connected without lifting of the pen. Check the slope and top of the letters that have tails. Look for punctuation style frequency and accuracy. Determine the writing class. Note for language peculiarities and errors or spelling of words like if its favor or favour etc. Note particular letters that have two or more touching points like, m, h, d, k, n and so on to check for writing regularity. Lastly look for tailed or topped letters for loops and bars if they are formed by single stroke. Classify and examine the loops or their angular, roundness, s hort or narrow style. Devoting time to this aspect of handwriting will unveil the writers unconscious features, and will reflect upon valuable evidence (Blackburn Caddell). Detecting forgery in Art Forgery detection is done through two major approaches, stylistic and technical analysis; these are complementary and generate best results together. Stylistic analysis is very subjective in nature and resides with the wise eye of the art historians. Each artist has a certain flair, style, and vigor that solely belongs to him and is easily familiar. The style changes and improvises overtime as the artists career flourishes and can be stylistically documented and analyzed (Forgery, Britannica). Expertise in important to authenticate the styles and aesthetics of various periods and remain the principle instrument to detect forgery. Artistic gaucherie or clutter of motifs and styles, and an apparent emphasis of forgers aesthetic values current times constantly reveals the forgery than most of the technical analysis. The technical analysis can involve various techniques and have evolved over time. Sometimes a sketch or an x-ray can be used underneath the original art surface to substanti ate the paintings. In earlier centuries, costumes of an under painting were considered basic characteristic of an art value, and later surface painting emerged as one way of doing forgery (Conklin). Even so contemporary tools like infrared, ultraviolet photography and x-ray are used to expose overpainting and pentimento. Furthermore craquelure can also be microscopically scrutinized. In addition carbon-14 and chemical analysis provide comparatively uncertain evidence in case ancient materials have been utilized. Forgeries in United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates labor ministry has initiated an e-signature card system to prevent scams and forgery to minimize standard procedures. The e-signature system has replaced the signature authorization card scheme which earlier required authorized signatory for any transaction with the ministry. The new e-signature will have a card with a specific code number which is required to be entered before any transaction with the ministry (e-Signature card..). Passport forgeries are very common in United Arab Emirates. Dubai police recently released details of passport forgers including six British born and three Irish individuals suspected in killing key Hamas commander. The suspect used real life individual identifies for forging their passports. One of the British national confirmed the name and passport number that matched has, but had the incorrect birth date. The individual had no clue how and when his passport details were obtained as it was never reported being lost or stolen (Neighbor). The passport forgery was believed to have been done through Israeli government officials. British foreign secretary David Miliband showed his displeasure over Israel involvement, and said that Such misuse of British passports is intolerable, and added that Israel being an ally of UK Miliband only adds insult to injury. The passports were forged using genuine UK identities in a highly sophisticated operations and planning and clearly indicated a gov ernments involvement (UK: Israel behind Forgery, CNN). A Filipino waiter faced trial for theft of credit card and signature forgery. The waiter worked at a local hotel, stole a debit card, three mobile phones, watch, three iPods, and watch. He shopped for 1300 dirhams using the stolen debit card at a nearby supermarket, and used forged owners signatures on the acquired receipts (another phony waiter in UAEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Numerous universities in UAE are using RFID tags on the degrees and certifications they issue to ensure the document authenticity. The ministry requires academic institutions to standardize data collection of students specifically their personal and academic details. In addition it recommends institutions to publish certificates that are difficult to forge. They are recommended to adopt the Amricons solution that uses diplomas having fitted adhesives with RFID labels that contain specific security codes that are helpful in hindering any forgery attempts to encode the RFID tags using unauthorized means (Wessel). Preventing Check Fraud It is important to go through the checks regularly and check the starting and ending numbers which are important for re-ordering. Keep checking if all the checks are present The financial institution must be notified even if any one check is missing. Bank statement should be reconciled every month. Signs of check forgery must be observed. Checkbook must be kept in a set place and it should not be accessible to guests. Checkbook must not be left in the car. If the car gets stolen, the checkbook will also be lost. Environment should be assessed while traveling. Purse or backpack should be carefully set. Checkbooks should not be kept in pockets. (marthareggie) Conclusion Forgers are very clever and are always honing their skills to manage and master new technologies in their desire and motivation to create fake documents. The forged documents and art are so original to ones view and examination that they are often mistaken for what they are supposed to be. Forgers have personal gains that they earn at the expense of the society and history. Forgery acceptance and use of intentionally false documents deprives individuals understanding of history, and endanger ones sense of present. Forgers success greatly depends on the vigilators record keeping. Therefore keeping records safe is every individuals responsibility as it makes the foundation and basis of who we are. As the scientific techniques are getting more and more sophisticated so are the techniques of the forgers. The finding of the forgery reveals interesting facts; one day a great piece of art will be priceless, and the other day worthless. Therefore without the origin and proof, any arts valuat ion or estimation is purely a matter of subjective human judgment.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial subjects in American politics. The US went to the war under the guise of the domino effect, as they believed that if Vietnam fell, the surrounding countries would fall as well. President Johnson said â€Å"If you let a bully come into your garden, the next day he’ll be on your porch, and the day after that he’ll rape your wife† One thing that is not controversial is that we lost the war. Lots of different factors contributed to the United States unsuccessful trip to Vietnam. Among many reasons, one of the two biggest factors in the lose of the war was America’s foreign policy how and how bad the US underestimated how important freedom and independence was to the people of Vietnam. On top of that the US used the wrong military strategy, instead of focusing on limiting collateral damage the US used heavy artillery that killed citizens and alienated would be supporters. There was political corruptness in So uth Vietnam governments, which meant that they could not build an alternative to the NLF. At home, the public opinion of the war was decreasing at a constant rate and demonstrations were at an all time high. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and these problems all contributed to a Vietnam tour that went horribly wrong and an attitude among the American people that was growing ever doubt full of their government. There is lots of belief that the reason the United States lost the war is because of their foreign policy. America’s mission was not to get rid of Communism all together but rather to just stop the spread of Communism. The US had many past opportunities to destroy Communism; the Korean War would be a prime example. However out of fear that we would sound like ... ...y changed America, its politics, and foreign policy forever. Not only is this war the longest war in American history, its also the war that will leave the deepest scar. This war changed the way Americans viewed themselves and it tarnished their self-image. The Vietnam war was the first time in history of the United States that failed to accomplish its stated war aims, to preserve a separate, independent, noncommunist government. Not only did it affect our views on foreign policy, it affected the people of America too. The war was broadcasted on the television, the first time that had ever happened, and it allows the public to get a first hand account of what was happening on the battlefield. This war divided the American people, it was one of the most polarizing times in our history. This war will be in the forefront of Americans mind for many generations to come

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay examples --

Description of superstorm sandy â€Å"Superstorm Sandy† is the unofficial name for Hurricane Sandy, the deadliest and the most destructive hurricane of the 2012 hurricane season. It was a category three when it was at its peak. It was also the 18th storm named and the second major hurricane in the year 2012. While the hurricane was at its category two, it hit the Northeastern United States and was the largest Atlantic hurricane ever in terms of diameter with winds spanning 11,000 miles. The overall damage caused by the hurricane amounted to $68 billion dollars, a total only exceeded by Hurricane Katrina. Furthermore, the hurricane led to the death of 286 eased in the 20th century, there is still argument on whether Steps can be taken to decrease the negative effects of GCC While human beings have the ability to destroy the planet, they have also the ability to protect the planet. Global climate change is a significant problem in one country or one person to solve. However, every person can contribute to a positive change and influence others to do the same. The first step to tackle the problem is informing others about global climate change, global warming, and their causes. According McCright and Dunlap (2011), education about the subject is the first important step in taking an action because it will make people start to change their lifestyle. Additionally, governments must come up with new regulation in the energy industry, which are the main producer of carbon dioxide, According to Nanda (2011), preventing global climate change requires a series of changes to maintain a lifestyle that people are used. The author argues that carbon emissions need to be stabilized before the year 2016. This is to counter any inexorable changes to t... ...l climate change is unreal, objective studies have shown that the impacts of global climate change are with us. These impacts include extreme weathers such us El Nià ±o, La Nià ±a, frequent strong hurricanes, drought, global rise in sea level, and increase in average global temperature. Global climate changes are brought about by human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuel. Therefore, steps to combat climate change starts with the education of people so that they can change the lifestyle. Governments must establish legislation than allows conservation and rehabilitation of damaged forest, and reduce the burning of fossil fuel and. Furthermore, money must be issued to help people adapt to the already occurring impact of climate change. In addition, government must also put preventive measure to protect people and material from any potential impacts.

Death and Creation in The Hollow Men :: Hollow Men Essays

Throughout the semester, we have read many poems by many well-known authors.   All of these poems were worthy of the literary merit they received, but I would like to write this paper on a poem that is equally as wonderful.   I will be writing this paper on T.S. Eliot’s â€Å"The Hollow Men.†Ã‚   This is an incredibly poetic work that is just simply brilliant.   I will be discussing how Eliot constantly uses death and creation images to strengthen the theme of the poem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout this entire poem, there is an ever-present theme of death.   There is not a single stanza where there is not something that is â€Å"dead.†Ã‚   The beauty of his verse makes even darkness and death sound appealing. â€Å"Shape without form, shade without colour, Paralysed force, gesture without motion.†Ã‚   This verse alone gives a beautifully haunting image of darkness and death.   This is a descriptive adjective for the kingdom of death in which the hollow men reside.   â€Å"Death’s kingdom†, â€Å"the dead land†, â€Å"dying stars†, and â€Å"fading stars† are all images of death that Eliot uses to stress the ever-present theme of death in this poem.   The way that he links it all together almost makes the reader want to become one of the â€Å"hollow men.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the things about this poem that makes it so interesting, is the fact that despite the ever-present theme of death, Eliot throws in a few images of creation to counteract it.   In stanza four, the lines â€Å"Sightless, unless The eyes reappear As the perpetual star, Multifoliate rose Of death’s twilight kingdom.   The hope only Of empty men† creates the image of re-creation as a possibility of these â€Å"hollow men†.   This is their only hope, and in a way, is like the creation of the world for them.   The reappearing eyes almost serve as their saviour.   â€Å"Between the conception And the creation, Between the emotion And the response Falls the Shadow† is also an image of creation.   It is a subtle implication of life and death falls in to existence after creation.   Eliot’s poetic style here is simply outstanding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is also a religious undertone tied in with all of Eliot’s images of death and creation.   It seems that every mention of death gives a religious image as well.   The poem always speaks of â€Å"death’s kingdom†, and is not death’s kingdom part of the kingdom of God?   I definitely get a religious image in my mind, as do, I suspect, most readers, when I see the line â€Å"For Thine is the Kingdom† repeated on more than one occasion.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Smart Devices and System in Our Homes

The problems that we can discus in this part is about the introduction of smart devices and system in our homes, the risk and threats linked to them, and respectively to the smart home inhabitants will grow. So, the digital world as we know it now has gradually developed standards, protocols, interface, operating systems, programming models and architectures during the last 50 decades, making both computing and networking a type of plug-and- play environment. Nowadays the smart homes and its services, from a highly heterogeneous environment, which presents a significant challenge for future users and manufacturers. So, healthcare services contain unknown so far danger for human's life. The scenario of a villain causing a heart attack by remote intervention in a pacemaker or shutting down an insulin pump on a diabetic is not in the realm of movies but occur due to real sensitive that exist in connected medical devices. Furthermore, these are rather worrying facts, bearing in mind that between 1993 and 2009, 2.9 million patients received permanent pacemakers in the united states with this this number constantly increasing. The cyber threats are any identified effort directed toward access to, exfiltration of, manipulation of, or impairment to the integrity, confidentiality, security, or availability of data, an application, or a federal system, without lawful authority.In our everyday life, a threat to our home can be an open window or unlocked door, an iron or cooker that are not turned off or water running from an open tap. In future smart homes, in addition to the threats related to the household appliance, there can emerge dangers directed to the health or life of the inhabitants. The consequences of cyber-attacks can lead to serious problems like access sensitives information, espionage, data theft, financial losses. The nature, complexity, and severity of the cyber threats are increasing in time, which makes it difficult to build a good classification framework.Potential consequences of cyber-attacks can be:Rejection of service DOS targeting the sensors, video surveillance or communication system.Data integrity violation or data modification in communication media.System breaking with unauthorized access to network resources or system integration resources.The good transact with the attack, it is:To have an operating intrusion detection system.To have an attack prevention system.To maintain reliable identification, authentication and access control.To support leakage monitoring information.To employ reliable and effective communication protocol.To operate secure integrating system and external communication system.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Cultural Journey Essay

The American comedy-drama film Outsourced was directed by John Jeffcoat in 2006. In this movie, the main Todd Anderson grudgingly traveled to India to train his replacement because his job and whole department were outsourced. In this foreign land, Todd started his new work; saw dingy but distinctive scenery; got a new name, Toad; met new people. Beside the living aspect, he also have an assignment needed to complete, which is to decrease the time of the average call from 12 minutes to six. If this team cannot reach this standard, I could not go back home. What Todd only focused on is the red number on the NPM Monitor so that he teach the team about the American culture. However what he neglected is to blend into this foreign country. This is a cultural conflict in this film, but fortunately, Todd finally realize this point and correct his mentality. There were three obstacles the main character, Todd, faced in the film which is he need to put aside his arrogant attitude, to understa nd the diverse culture in India, and fitting in to this culture. First of all, the first obstacles Todd faced was to put aside his arroganess. As an American citizen who is grown up in a developed country, it is understandable that Todd has a sense of national pride especially when he went to a developing country. Crowd, dirty street, caws and sheep running around and even there was a man pee on public place; those were the primary impression India impressed him. I think maybe not only Todd could feel disappointed, but also everybody will disappoint with this delicate country which has a long history. Fortunately, after a talk with a strange American, Todd noticed that he condemned the people around him based on his own opinion, and he should arrogant his attitude if he want to reach his goal. The connotation of a country or a city is not always embodies on its outward appearances. Also Asha’s words remind him he really needed to learn Indian culture. The first thing Todd did for his success was change his attitude about this country. Second, the second obstacle Todd over came is to learn the diverse culture in India is his second step for reach his achievement. After a few days, Todd was influenced by the environment. They were expressing at his actions. He had to use his right hand to grab food after his landlord teach taught him the Indian culture; after an emergency he start to use his left hand as toilet paper, by the local custom, he used to drink the tea with 5 spoons of sugar. Those are the culture he learned in those days and he did these reluctantly. No matter if he like or dislike those custom, he start to learn those stuffs at least. Third, the final obstacles Todd faced is he need to fit in to this culture. Holi Day might be the turning point of this movie. He tried to run away from the people’s attacking in the beginning. But maybe the festival atmosphere infected him, finally he start to join in the celebration with the local people and had fun. Except his case, he also open his heart and made friend with Indian people, for example, his neighbor. In addition, when his boss Dave came to India, he taught him what he knew about India. This reflects that Todd is glad to accept that cultural diversity and he enjoyed fitting into this country. To put aside his arrogant attitude, to understand the diverse culture in India, and fitting in to this culture are the lessons Todd took in his grudging trip. During in this guocheng, his attitude of this foreign country was changed from detest to accepting. Not putting a positive spin on a desperate night; this truth is only fit for this film, but also apply to everybody need. Same as do not judge people with their appearance, the connotation of a country or a city is not always embodies on its outward appearances. Reference Josh, B. George, W. Tom, G. D avid, S (Producers), & John, J(Director). (2006). Outsourdes United states: ShadowCatcher Entertainment Mosaic Films

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hartley’s novel Essay

Although appearing to have a cynical view of love in the poem Larkin does in fact not doubt love, but the expectations that we have of it. In the words of Andrew Swarbrick, Larkin expresses not feelings of bitterness or pessimism but â€Å"of pathos, of a tender sympathy for the widow who recalls dreams knowing they are best forgotten. † Though sometimes pleasurable reminiscing can reveal hopes that were unfulfilled, dreams never lived out, good times we can never experience again. Therefore what we perceive to be pessimism in Larkin is, in this instance, simply realism, an understanding of the illusions contained in the world, making him â€Å"less deceived† as a result. He once remarked, â€Å"Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they really are† it was for him a way of being honest, not overestimating the value of things. Nonetheless, in the final poem of The Whitsun Weddings, An Arundel Tomb, Larkin hints at his belief in love. Despite not having a successful love life himself he still implies that he has faith in its existence, the ultimate word of the anthology being the abstract noun, â€Å"love†. This line is a testament to its endurance and strength, â€Å"What will survive of us is love. † John Saunders likens these lines containing the â€Å"prove/love† rhyme to Shakespeare’s attempt to define true love in Sonnet 73, Larkin’s concluding line echoing the rhyming couplet, â€Å"If this be error, and upon me proved I never wrote, nor no man ever loved. † An Arundel Tomb concentrates on the historical aspect of the past. The persona in the poem, which is in fact Larkin, examines the concept of artifacts, how something set in stone can withstand the test of time regardless of whether it actually existed in the first place. Visiting a Sussex churchyard Larkin sees an example of love that both moves and intrigues him, had it not been for the incongruity of two linked hands displayed on the tomb he would have walked by. It is a gesture small yet touching but the cynic in Larkin questions its validity presuming it to be a case of â€Å"a sculptor’s sweet commissioned grace† rather than a symbol of a long and devoted marriage. Together in death the couples’ â€Å"faces blurred† but the husband is still â€Å"holding her hand†. Over time their features have been weathered but their effigy remains as a reminder of their lives, a monument to their love. Archaic language is used to complement the subject matter of the poem, capturing a bygone time so unlike today’s â€Å"unarmorial age†. Further manipulation of syntax is evident with the effective juxtaposition of the adjectives â€Å"sharp† and â€Å"tender†, conveying simply but perfectly Larkin’s confused and mixed reaction to the union of the stone hands. There is debate over Larkin’s true feelings towards the real meaning of the â€Å"faithfulness in effigy†. Whether or not he again intended the pun with the use of the verb â€Å"lie† just as lovers were â€Å"lying together† in bed is unclear. As Brother Anthony (An Sonjae) points out in his paper Without Metaphysics there is a huge diversity in the interpretations of Larkin’s intended meaning in his work, it is up to the reader to determine their own response â€Å"which is good for the reader, but a challenge too†. Does the poet believe that â€Å"love survives† not only in stone? Or as Andrew Swarbrick quite rightly points out does he â€Å"almost† believe it as the penultimate line suggests? â€Å"Our almost-instinct almost true† therefore cancels out the optimism of the following statement. Here we witness Larkin lowering his defenses, allowing himself to hope for the best, to want love to be â€Å"that much mentioned brilliance† but he cannot do so completely for fear of it being an illusion. Although hinting at what he truly believes it is as though he will not allow himself to trust it in case he is mistaken. Yet whether love survives or not it lives on in Arundel where â€Å"only an attitude remains†. This is also true of Larkin’s poetry, and in fact to the whole genre. Whereas fictional characters and places from novels are lost, forgotten, poetry allows thoughts to survive as art long after the death of the artist. Larkin wrote of this inspiring philosophy in 1955, contained in a statement to D. J. Enright he explained, â€Å"I write poems to preserve things I have seen/thought/felt†¦ I think the impulse to preserve lies at the bottom of all art. † Yet as mentioned previously the meaning of Larkin’s literature is not always clear, just like he could only assume the significance of the joined hands we can only guess at the thoughts of Philip Larkin which are contained and live on in his verse. The poem Dockery and Son relates the events and emotions that occur when Philip Larkin revisits his old college, steps back into the past only to be disappointed with what he finds there. An outsider there, he no longer belongs and finds himself a stranger in his own past, as well as physically being unable to enter his past residence â€Å"the door of where (he) used to live† is also â€Å"locked† metaphorically. However, the most disturbing thing for Larkin is the news that one of his peers now has at son at Oxford: Dockery unlike Larkin with â€Å"no son, no wife, no house or land† is a success story. The door to fatherhood is therefore also â€Å"locked† for Larkin. By starting with dialogue the poem is made more authentic as it adds an injection of reality to the verse. It also alerts Larkin to the fact that he is no longer part of that world, of public school boys and ranks, he, unlike Dockery, has no reason to revisit that part of his life. He feels â€Å"ignored†. As in The Whitsun Weddings Larkin philosophizes whilst on a train which is not only a vehicle in the normal sense of the noun but a vehicle for his thoughts and also a metaphor for direction, moving forward in life. The simplistic repetition in the third stanza â€Å"How much†¦ How little†¦ † conveys Larkin’s disappointment in himself as he contemplates his own achievements in comparison with those of Dockery. Whereas Leo Colston benefited from his nostalgic visit to the past it has been a negative experience for Larkin who should never have returned. Both Larkin and Hartley present philosophies on the past in two contrasting but equally effective genres, which themselves give insight into the pasts of the authors. The past is, as both pieces of literature show, inevitably significant to us all. How we are affected by it however, either negatively or positively, is to some extent in our own hands. â€Å"Even a god cannot change the past† (Agathon 445 BC) yet we can move on, learn from our experiences and in the future be â€Å"less deceived†. L. P. Hartley’s novel is a message to us all that we should not dwell on what has come before, but concentrate on living the present, Leo recognized that he â€Å"should not be sitting alone† before it was too late. In reality the past does not fully exist; in the words of Larkin it is a â€Å"love song† that can never sound the same, a â€Å"locked† door which we can never be reopened, â€Å"only an attitude† that lives on in our minds. We may try to capture moments and emotions in stone, or in verse yet the only place where they truly exist is in our memory. We have the ability to dictate the significance the past holds for us. And so whilst we cannot change our pasts, we have the ability to change our future; Shakespeare declared that â€Å"What’s past is prologue† yet we can determine what is contained in the epilogue.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Has UK become a digital nation?

Abstract Information Technology has become more prevalent making it indispensable in the day to day activities of not just individuals or businesses but to the nation as a whole. There are more government initiatives to move from paper-based record keeping to a digital record management. However, despite technology growth, the nation as a whole is not prepared to get accustomed to a digital world. Though technology simplifies certain key processes and tasks in our day to day lives there are still areas like training and development that the nation needs to tackle in order embrace the digital revolution. The key aim of this review is to understand the key role of information technology and information systems in business, public sector and in the lives of the common man and the evolution of technology and its use in various areas. The review critically analyses research about internet and other emerging technologies and points out the current gaps. Introduction The rapid development of information technology and tools has not only made it easier for individuals and businesses to work at their own convenience and obtain information faster, but has also shrunk the world into a global village. Information Systems and Technologies have now become the backbone and lifeblood of businesses. In an information age, almost all processes are automated by businesses, most transactions take place over the internet and businesses use information technology in some way or the other. The Office for National Statistics (2013) have shown that there has been a sharp increase in the usage of internet for business activities. From using internet as a primary means of communications, businesses are now increasingly using internet for making sales online. The statistics show that 18% of the business turnover was accounted for by online sales and nearly 43% of businesses in the UK used social media to market their products and promotional activities. Studies by Business Zone (2011) showed that 77% of the households in the UK have access to the internet and that the growth in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has the potential to generate ?35 million value added growth in the UK economy by businesses. In the digital technological age, businesses and nations have two options to either embrace the technology or be a technologically divided nation. Technology has become ingrained in the lives of the modern man and has proven to have significant advantages and benefits. The last four decades have shown a stark increase in the development and usage of technology. Businesses that do not have technological expertise miss out on opportunities, individuals find it difficult to carry on even the most mundane tasks without technological assistance as dependence on technology increases but technology enables information to be available at any time that helps organisations take strategic decisions (Melville et al, 2004) The main aim of this paper is to identify the role information systems play in organisations and to critically review the literature to get an in-depth understanding of the IT trends and infrastructure evolution in order to understand whether the UK has become a digital nation. Literature Review This section discusses the role of Information Systems in business organisations, the infrastructure and key technological developments over the past few years and also the role of internet in the digital and modern age.Information Systems in BusinessStudies show that information systems are being used by businesses in order to increase productivity, decrease costs, and effectively manage their day to day operations thereby increasing profits (Melville et al, 2004). Information Technology and Information Systems are no longer a separate department in an organisation but a cross-functional one which has a role to play in the overall business, thus making it inevitable (Rainer and Cegielski, 2010). In their book, Enabling and Transforming Business, the authors (Melville et al, 2004)discuss the role information system plays in not only developing the business but also as a key role it takes in facilitating the business to reach its strategic and long-term goals and vision. The authors d iscuss the power of digital information and the real-world applications of Information Technology in a business environment. The authors show that IT solutions can be applied to any business problem in order to maximise the returns and also to ensure that an effective solution is maintained. This is not just true to business organisations. In a digitised world, governments also apply Information Technology to make information available and to use IT and information systems to process, store and disseminate information to enable faster processing, reduction in costs, improved practices and complying with various regulations .(Rainer and Cegielski, 2010).There is an undeniable and key role that Information Technology plays in business organisations that it is almost impossible for businesses to function without IT support. This does not mean that using IT would lead the organisation to success. The authors point out by means of case studies and examples where using IT can actually lea d to the failure. This points out to the areas that need to be concentrated on while implementing an IT solution within the business or the key points that need to be considered while deciding to digitise the business to ensure that the IT implementation helps the business achieve its objectives. This book provides all the basic pointers that need to be noted while implementing an information system and takes the reader through the importance `and advantages of the same. This book however cannot act as a final guide for choosing appropriate technologies or for advanced readers. Businesses in this information age are moving to global web-based platforms to be able to appeal to more customers. Internet and other emerging technologies, such as wireless and mobile communication systems, further enhance their business offering and also for competitive and strategic advantage (Bocij, 2006). Organisations use information systems for provision of business intelligence that would enable them be in the forefront (Negash, 2004). Studies relate good organisational performance with a strong information systems and infrastructure. Information technology has a great impact in the performance of the company and helps to add value to the services offered. However, researchers show that in order for the information technology to be able to add value and help in the significant contribution of the success of the business, it is essential a good framework is being used to develop the IT business model, training needs are adhered to and that a proper change management mechanism is in place. (Melville et al, 2004). From the above, it can be noted that information systems in business is inevitable and even government organisations are adapting and embracing new technologies thus driving forward the digital age and making a contributing to drive the nation to go digital.Emerging TechnologiesInformation Technology is developing and evolving at a rapid pace. Technology is no longer just a personal computer or a network of computers. Gartner (2013) predicts the top technologies include mobile device management, mobile apps and applications, cloud computing, smart machines and 3-D printing in 2014. MIT technology (2014) discusses that future holds a lot more breakthroughs in technologies. The most fascinating and powerful technologies that would dominate the current year are noted as ultraprivate smartphones built with security and privacy, 3-D printing, neuromorphic chips that act like brain chips and mobile collaboration. The research shows that these technologies take the digital age to a whole new level and that helps businesses become and remain more competitive and also take provision of services to a whole new level. Powerful and modern technology would enable businesses to operate and collaborate in a better fashion. These emerging technologies show that the scope of technology has gone beyond just using of computers and how technology if used properly can help steering forward the digital era and also the impact it can make on business as well as the entire population.Internet in BusinessInternet in business is gaining more and more importance and the proliferation of this technology has made communications seamless across the globe. The Internet started out as a communication technology and now has become indispensable to the business not only for communication but also for various other purposes (Afuah, 2000). Internet is increasingly used as a tool to collaborate, make sales, communicate with customers, build brand image and as an economically viable channel to advertise and reach out to a larger population of customers (Zhao, 2000). Internet commerce or e-commerce facilitates processing of transactions online using internet technologies. The development of these technologies and the proliferation of these has enabled businesses to sell their products directly to the customers irrespective of their geographic location. This technological era has not only changed dramatically but has also led to the change in perspective in terms of business models and the way businesses and corporations operate and engage with customers. The emergence of social media sites on the internet enables businesses use these to be able to pitch their ideas and attract a plethora of customers, build trust and a brand image. Similarly, using internet technologies has enabled effective communication across the globe irrespective of the time zone and to be able to obtain information across the globe at convenience. Overall this has marked the rapid growth in using technology as a means for development and making a significant impact in the digital world.Benefits of ITStudies show that UK digitisation has had a very positive impact in the economy and has added nearly ?63 billion to the annual GDP. The other benefits of IT in the general population and the economy includes: Better living quality by minimising efforts and increasing efficiency of services offered. Internet proficiency can help government to meet its goals and also streamline various processes. (UK & Booz & Co, 2012) Businesses can collaborate better and use its online presence to market its products and services.Key Information Technology ChallengesThough internet and other Information and Communications Technologies have become more prevalent and common in businesses today, there are still various organisations that face various IT implementation challenges. These include: 1. Moving from paper-based environment to electronic records: Studies show that more than 90% of the businesses use electronic records. However, moving from paper based to electronic environment could be quite challenging. Businesses would need to be able to find the correct records management software and technologies to support their processes and manage business records digitally and this is difficult because of the lack of key skills and expertise in understanding the various tools and services that are offered. This process could be further complicated by various compliance laws that might become applicable whilst moving to electronic records, organisational culture and change management procedure in place to handle these (M Rapaport, 2014). Training: When implementing new technologies it is imperative that staff are trained. Implementing new technologies might cause reluctance in employees using these due to lack of knowledge, skills and expertise. It is imperative that businesses use good training methods and have adequate change control to ensure business-wide acceptance of the technologies (E Savitz, 2011). Security: Security is a key issue and data protection and privacy are areas of concern for enterprises. Systems and technologies are under various threats and risks and it is therefore essential for businesses to think through the information security challenges, authentication and authorisation methods, policies, compliance and regulatory requirements whilst implementing IT within the business (Symantec, 2014). Conclusion All businesses and individuals are using information technology more and more. Government departments are also moving towards electronic data and technology has now become a part and parcel of all organisations. However, this development has a lot of challenges and businesses need to cross a lot of barriers before implementing the correct information system and technology. Training and acceptance of technology has to be taken into consideration while implementing Information systems across the organisation. There are various advantages of using IT and affiliated technologies. The key challenges facing the government adapting to technology is ensuring cost effectiveness and having a fully transparent procedure that is auditable. Moving to a digital age can make certain things challenging; however, the benefits of implementation of technologies outweigh the challenges. The current trend shows that there would be an increase in the technological proliferation and for government to embrace the technology fully it requires that the skills gap be catered to and that ICT literacy is taken into consideration by the government. To become a digital nation, substantial investment is required and the adequate skills needed to be able to support the infrastructure and the technology are essential. The costs for such an emergence needs to be taken into consideration and the necessary measures need to be taken to be fully prepared to embrace the technological age with ease. This review has shown that there are various benefits of using Information Technology and has also shown evidence of the usage of Information Technology by businesses and the government. This clearly shows the steps and the contribution to move to a digital era. It also highlights the key challenges faced and these challenges if tackled effectively would lead to harnessing all the key benefits of technology thus making UK a truly digital nation. References Rainer and Cegielski (2010): Introduction to Information Systems: Enabling and Transforming Business. USA: Wiley Publication. N Melville, K Kraemer, and V Gurbaxani (2004): Review: Information technology and organizational performance: An integrative model of IT business value. MIS Quarterly, ACM Digital Library. 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